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ISPI database searched for other literature with author = "Hoy, M...",
8 possible publications found.
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C.A. Clark, J-W. Hyun, and M.W. Hoy
Relationships among wilt-inducing isolates of Fusarium oxysporum from sweetpotato and tobacco
Plant Disease 82 (5), 530-536 (1998)

C.A. Clark, M.W. Hoy, J.P. Bond, C. Chen, Y.-K. Goh, X. Liang, X. Liu, and P. Lotrakul
First report of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora causing bacterial root rot of sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) in Louisiana
Plant Disease 82 (1), p. 129 (1998)

Heather W. Carroll, Arthur Q. Villordon, Christopher A. Clark, Don R. La Bonte, and Mary W. Hoy
Studies on Beauregard sweetpotato clones naturally infected with viruses
International Journal of Pest Management 50 (2), 101-106 (2004)

Mwamburi Mcharo, Don R. LaBonte, Chris Clark, Mary Hoy, and James H. Oard
Molecular marker variability for southern root-knot nematode resistance in sweetpotato
Euphytica 144 (1-2), 125-132 (2005)

C.A. Clark, and M.W. Hoy
Effects of common viruses on yield and quality of Beauregard sweetpotato in Louisiana
Plant Disease 90 (1), 83-88 (2006)

D.W. Miano, D.R. LaBonte, C.A. Clark, R.A. Valverde, M.W. Hoy, S. Hurtt, and R. Li
First report of a begomovirus infecting sweetpotato in Kenya
Plant Disease 90 (6), p. 832 (2006)

Cecilia McGregor, Douglas Miano, Don La Bonte, Mary Hoy, and Christopher Clark
The effect of the sequence of infection of the causal agents of sweet potato virus disease on symptom severity and individual virus titres in sweet potato cv. Beauregard
Journal of Phytopathology 157 (7-8), 514-517 (2009)

Cecilia E. McGregor, Douglas W. Miano, Don R. LaBonte, Mary Hoy, Chris A. Clark, and Guilherme J.M. Rosa
Differential gene expression of resistant and susceptible sweetpotato plants after infection with the causal agents of sweet potato virus disease
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 134 (6), 658-666 (2009)


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