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ISPI database searched for other literature with author = "Gerard, P...",
15 possible publications found.
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Case R. Medlin, David R. Shaw, Patrick D. Gerard, and Falba E. LaMastus
Using remote sensing to detect weed infestations in Glycine max
Weed Science 48 (3), 393-398 (2000)

Case R. Medlin, David R. Shaw, Michael S. Cox, Melinda J. Abshire, Milton C. Wardlaw III, and Patrick D. Gerard
Using soil parameters to predict weed infestations in soybean
Weed Science 49 (3), 367-374 (2001)

P.J. Gerard, N.B. Perry, L.D. Ruf, and L.M. Foster
Antifeedant ad insecticidal activity of compounds from Pseudowintera colorata (Wintracea) on the webbing cloths moth, Tineola bisseliella (Lepidoptera: Tineidae) and the Australian carpet beetle, Anthrenocerus australis (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)
Bulletin of Entomological Research 83 (4), 547-552 (1993)

W. Doug Stone, T. Evan Nebeker, and Patrick D. Gerard
Host plants of Xylosandrus mutilatus in Mississippi
Florida Entomologist 90 (1), 191-195 (2007)

C.J. Peterson, P.D. Gerard, and T.L. Wagner
Charring does not affect wood infestation by subterranean termites
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 126 (1), 78-84 (2008)

Kent E. Cushman, William B. Evans, David M. Ingram, Patrick D. Gerard, R. Allen Straw, Craig H. Canaday, Jim E. Wyatt, and Michael M. Kenty
Reduced foliar disease and increased yield of pumpkin regardless of management approach or fungicide combinations
HortTechnology 17 (1), 56-61 (2007)

Cody J. Gray, David R. Shaw, Patrick D. Gerard, and Lori M. Bruce
Utility of multispectral imagery for soybean and weed species differentiation
Weed Technology 22 (4), 713-718 (2008)

Megan Leach, Paula Agudelo, and Patrick Gerard
Effect of temperature on the embryogenesis of geographic populations of Rotylenchulus reniformis
Journal of Nematology 41 (1), 23-27 (2009)

Joshua C. Cheshier, John D. Madsen, Ryan M. Wersal, Patrick D. Gerard, and Mark E. Welch
Evaluating the potential for differential susceptibility of common reed (Phragmites australis) haplotypes I and M to aquatic herbicides
Invasive Plant Science and Management 5 (1), 101-105 (2012)

Fu Zhen, Paula Agudelo, and Patrick Gerard
A protocol for assessing resistance to Aphelenchoides fragariae in hosta cultivars
Plant Disease 96 (10), 1438-1444 (2012)

Michael C. Cox, Ryan M. Wersal, John D. Madsen, Patrick D. Gerard, and Mary L. Tagert
Assessing the aquatic plant community within the Ross Barnett Reservoir, Mississippi
Invasive Plant Science and Management 7 (2), 375-383 (2014)

Claudia M. Holguin, Patrick Gerard, John D. Mueller, Ahmad Khalilian, and Paula Agudelo
Spatial distribution of reniform nematode in cotton as influenced by soil texture and crop rotations
Phytopathology 105 (5), 674-683 (2015)

Jinbo Song, Eric P. Benson, Patricia A. Zungoli, Patrick Gerard, and Simon W. Scott
Using the DAS-ELISA test to establish an effective distance between bait stations for control of Linepithema humile (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in natural areas
Journal of Economic Entomology 108 (4), 1961-1971 (2015)

Thomas G. Shelton, Terence L. Wagner, and Patrick D. Gerard
Effects of monitor examination intervals on resource affinity by Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Journal of Entomological Science 46 (2), 102-111 (2011)

Gabriel Rennberger, Patrick Gerard, and Anthony P. Keinath
Occurrence of foliar pathogens of watermelon on commercial farms in South Carolina estimated with stratified cluster sampling
Plant Disease 102 (11), 2285-2295 (2018)


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