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T.A. Evans, S.L. Soria, S.L. Kitto, R. Rojas, and V.D. Damsteegt
The effect of virus infection on growth, vigor and productivity of marshua (Tropaeolum tuberosum)
Phytopathology 86 (11 suppl.), S63 (1996)

T.A. Evans, R.P. Mulrooney, and R.B. Carroll
Characterization and control of soybean severe stunt, a new soilborne virus disease affecting soybean in the USA
International Congress of Plant Pathology 7th meeting, section 1.11 (1998)

M. Sedegui, R.B. Carroll, A.L. Morehart, T.A. Evans, S.H. Kim, R. Lakhdar, and A. Arifi
Genetic structure of the Phytophthora infestans population in Morocco
Plant Disease 84 (2), 173-176 (2000)

C.R. Davidson, R.B. Carroll, T.A. Evans, R.P. Mulrooney, and S.H. Kim
First report of Phytophthora capsici infecting lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) in the Mid-Atlantic Region
Plant Disease 86 (9), p.1049 (2002)

T.A. Evans, L.C. Miller, B.L. Vasilas, R.W. Taylor, and R.P. Mulrooney
Management of Xiphinema americanum and soybean severe stunt in soybean using crop rotation
Plant Disease 91 (2), 216-219 (2007)

S.L. Soria, R. Vega, V.D. Damsteegt, L.L. McDaniel, S.L. Kitto, and T.A. Evans
Occurrence and partial characterization of a new mechanically transmissible virus in Mashua from the Ecuadorian Highlands
Plant Disease 82 (1), 69-73 (1998)

J.F. Davey, N.F. Gregory, R.P. Mulrooney, T.A. Evans, and R.B. Carroll
First report of mefenoxam-resistant isolates of Phytophthora capsici from lima bean pods in the Mid-Atlantic Region
Plant Disease 92 (4), p. 656 (2008)

T.A. Evans, C.R. Davidson, J.D. Dominiak, R.P. Mulrooney, R.B. Carroll, and S.H. Antonius
Two new races of Phytophthora phaseoli from lima bean in Delaware
Plant Disease 86 (7), p. 813 (2002)

C.R. Davidson, T.A. Evans, R.P. Mulrooney, N.F. Gregory, R.B. Carroll, and N.R. O'Neill
Lima bean downy mildew epiphytotics caused by new physiological races of Phytophthora phaseoli
Plant Disease 92 (5), 670-674 (2008)

S. Soria Re, C. Taboada, R. Vega Gonzalez, T. Evans, V.D. Damsteegt, and S. Kitto
In vitro and Ecuador-field performance of virus-tested and virus-infected plants of Tropaeolum tuberosum
Experimental Agriculture 45 (4), 483-497 (2009)

T.J. Evans, A. Trauner, E. Komitopoulou, and G.P.C. Salmond
Exploitation of a new flagellatropic phage of Erwinia for positive selection of bacterial mutants attenuated in plant virulence: towards phage therapy
Journal of Applied Microbiology 108 (2), 676-685 (2010)

T.J. Evans, A. Ind, E. Komitopoulou, and G.P.C. Salmond
Phage-selected lipopolysaccharide mutants of Pectobacterium atrosepticum exhibit different impacts on virulence
Journal of Applied Microbiology 109 (2), 505-514 (2010)

S.L. Rideout, M.A. Hansen, N.F. Gregory, and T.A. Evans
First report of downy mildew of lima bean caused by Phytophthora phaseoli in Virginia
Plant Disease 95 (1), p. 71 (2011)

Sridhara G. Kunjeti, Thomas A. Evans, Adam G. Marsh, Nancy F. Gregory, Saritha Kunjeti, Blake C. Meyers, Venugopal S. Kalavacharla, and Nicole M. Donofrio
RNA-Seq reveals infection-related global gene changes in Phytophthora phaseoli, the causal agent of lima bean downy mildew
Molecular Plant Pathology 13 (5), 454-466 (2012)

Sabrina Kumschick, Sven Bacher, Thomas Evans, Zuzana Marková, Jan Pergl, Petr Pysek, Sibylle Vaes-Petignat, Gabriel van der Veer, Montserrat Vilà, and Wolfgang Nentwig
Comparing impacts of alien plants and animals in Europe using a standard scoring system
Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (3), 552-561 (2015)

M.E. Ordoñez, D.A. Jácome, C.B. Keil, R.J. Montúfar, and T.A. Evans
First report of Phytophthora palmivora causing bud rot on palmito (Bactris gasipaes) in Ecuador
Plant Disease 100 (6), p. 1248 (2016)

T.T. Mhora, E.G. Ernest, R.J. Wisser, T.A. Evans, M.E. Patzoldt, N.F. Gregory, S.E. Westhafer, S.W. Polson, and N.M. Donofrio
Genotyping-by-sequencing to predict resistance to lima bean downy mildew in a diversity panel
Phytopathology 106 (10), 1152-1158 (2016)

Timothy R.C. Lee, Theodore A. Evans, Stephen L. Cameron, Simon Y.W. Ho, Anna A. Namyatova, and Nathan Lo
A review of the status of Coptotermes (Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae) species in Australia with the description of two new small termite species from northern and eastern Australia
Invertebrate Systematics 31 (2), 180-190 (2017)

N. Iqbal, and T.A. Evans
Evaluation of fipronil and imidacloprid as bait active ingredients against fungus-growing termites (Blattodea: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae)
Bulletin of Entomological Research 108 (1), 14-22 (2018)

David H. Byrne, Patricia Klein, Muqing Yan, Ellen Young, Jeekin Lau, Kevin Ong, Madalyn Shires, Jennifer Olson, Mark Windham, Tom Evans, and Danielle Novick
Challenges of breeding rose rosette–resistant roses
HortScience 53 (5), 604-608 (2018)

Luisa Santamaria, Emmalea G. Ernest, Nancy F. Gregory, and Thomas A. Evans
Inheritance of resistance in lima bean to Phytophthora phaseoli, the causal agent of downy mildew of lima bean
HortScience 53 (6), 777-781 (2018)

Nilwala S. Abeysekara, Heather Hickman, Sara Westhafer, Gordon C. Johnson, Thomas A. Evans, Nancy F. Gregory, and Nicole M. Donofrio
Characterization of Phytophthora capsici isolates from lima bean grown in Delaware, United States of America
Phytopathologia Mediterranea 58 (3), 535-546 (2019)


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