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4 publications listed for Camilla Ryne:

Camilla Ryne, Glenn P. Svensson, Olle Anderbrant, and Christer Löfstedt
Evaluation of long-term mating disruption of Ephestia kuehniella and Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in indoor storage facilities by pheromone traps and monitoring of relative aerial concentrations of pheromone
Journal of Economic Entomology 100 (3), 1017-1025 (2007)

Camilla Ryne, Mats Ekeberg, Niclas Jonzén, Cam Oehlschlager, Christer Löfstedt, and Olle Anderbrant
Reduction in an almond moth Ephestia cautella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) population by means of mating disruption
Pest Management Science 62 (10), 912-918 (2006)

Camilla Ryne, Mats Ekeberg, P.-O. Christian Olsson, Peter G. Valeur, and Christer Löfstedt
Water revisited: a powerful attractant for certain stored-product moths
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 103 (1), 99-103 (2002)

Camilla Ryne, Glenn P. Svensson, and Christer Löfstedt
Mating disruption of Plodia interpunctella in small-scale plots: Effects of pheromone blend, emission rates, and population density
Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 (10), 2109-2124 (2001)

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