Publications (by research type) for:

pest = Alternaria solani
for the years 2003-2007 (descending)

found 49 publications (ordered by research topics and year descending), some articles with 2 research topics:

general biology - morphology - evolution (3)
control - general (21)
biocontrol - natural enemies (5)
resistance/tolerance/defence of host (17)
pesticide resistance of pest (4)
thresholds/decision-support systems (1)
damage/losses/economics (5)
environment - cropping system/rotation (2)
population dynamics/ epidemiology (2)
surveys/sampling/distribution (1)

general biology - morphology - evolution:
Histopathological study of the Alternaria solani infection process in potato cultivars with different levels of early blight resistance
Journal of Phytopathology (2007) 155 (7-8), 462-469
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Variability of Cuban and international populations of Alternaria solani from different hosts and localities: AFLP genetic analysis
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2004) 110 (4), 399-409
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Genetic diversity among Alternaria solani isolates from potatoes in South Africa
Plant Disease (2004) 88 (9), 959-964
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control - general:
Effect of integrated pest management practices on tomato production and conservation of natural enemies
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2007) 9 (4), 327-335
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Effect of strobilurin fungicides on control of early blight (Alternaria solani) and yield of potatoes grown under two N fertility regimes
Phytoprotection (2007) 88 (1), 9-15
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Fungicide spray programs for defender, a new potato cultivar with resistance to late blight and early blight
Plant Disease (2007) 91 (10), 1327-1336
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Controle de Alternaria solani em tomateiro por extratos de Curcuma longa e curcumina - I. avaliação in vitro
[Control of Alternaria solani in tomato by Curcuma longa extracts and curcumin: I. In vitro evaluation]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2006) 31 (3), 310-314
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Controle de Alternaria solani em tomateiro por extratos de Curcuma longa e curcumina - II. Avaliação in vivo
[Control of Alternaria solani in tomato by Curcuma longa extracts and curcumin: II. In vivo evaluation]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2006) 31 (4), 401-404
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In vitro antimicrobial activity of zimmu (Allium sativum L. × Allium cepa L.) leaf extract
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (2005) 38 (3), 185-192
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Antifungal activity of volatile components extracted from leaves, stems and flowers of four plants growing in Tunisia
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2005) 44 (3), 307-312
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Effect of the F129L mutation in Alternaria solani on fungicides affecting mitochondrial respiration
Plant Disease (2005) 89 (3), 269-278
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Efficacy of OxiDate™ for control of early blight (Alternaria solani) in potato storages
Plant Pathology Journal (2005) 4 (1), 1-4
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Epidemiologia comparativa da pinta-preta do tomateiro sob quatro regimes de pulverização
[Comparative epidemiology of tomato early blight on tomatoes under four different spraying regimes]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29 (5), 475-479
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Induction of systemic resistance by Bacillus cereus against tomato foliar diseases under field conditions
Journal of Phytopathology (2004) 152 (6), 371-375
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Early blight (Alternaria spp.) in potato crops in Poland and results of chemical protection
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2004) 44 (3), 231-238
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Signum - a broad-spectrum fungicide containing the new active ingredients boscalid and pyraclostrobin
Phytoparasitica (2004) 32 (2), p. 209
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Antifungal activities of extracts from selected Lebanese wild plants against plant pathogenic fungi
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2004) 43 (3), 377-386
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Shift in sensitivity of Alternaria solani in response to Q(o)I fungicides
Plant Disease (2004) 88 (2), 181-187
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Effect of analogues of plant growth regulators on in vitro growth of eukaryotic plant pathogens
Plant Pathology (2004) 53 (1), 58-64
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Efficacy of some selected fungicides against early blight (Alternaria spp.) on potato crops
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2003) 43 (2), 113-120
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Usefulness of fungicides with various modes of actions in the protection of potato crops
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2003) 43 (2), 191-199
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Effectiveness of some chemical strategy protection of potato against an early blight (Alternaria solani)
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2003) 43 (4), 361-368
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Effect of commercial adjuvants on vegetable crop fungicide coverage, absorption, and efficacy
Plant Disease (2003) 87 (5), 591-597
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Effects of benzothiadiazole and acetylsalicylic acid on ß-1,3-glucanase activity and disease resistance in potato
Plant Pathology (2003) 52 (1), 22-27
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biocontrol - natural enemies:
Culturable leaf-associated bacteria on tomato plants and their potential as biological control agents
Microbial Ecology (2007) 53 (4), 524-536
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Broad spectrum action of phenazine against active and dormant structures of fungal pathogens and root knot nematode
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (2005) 38 (1), 69-76
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Antifungal characterization of Actinomycetes isolated from Kerman, Iran and their future prospects in biological control strategies in greenhouse and field conditions
Plant Pathology Journal (2005) 4 (1), 78-84
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Métodos de isolamento de bactérias do filoplano de tomateiro visando populações específicas e implicações como agentes de biocontrole
[Isolation methods of tomato phylloplane bacteria aiming specific populations and implications as biocontrol agents]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29 (6), 638-643
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Induction of systemic resistance by Bacillus cereus against tomato foliar diseases under field conditions
Journal of Phytopathology (2004) 152 (6), 371-375
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resistance/tolerance/defence of host:
Disease resistance in tomato induced by an elicitor derived from cell walls of the fungal pathogen, Botrytis cinerea
Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2007) 42 (2), 245-251
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[Field survey of the Alternaria tomato diseases, and research of resistant genetic resources in Syria]
Arab Journal of Plant Protection (2007) 25 (2), 129-137
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Assessment of early blight (Alternaria solani) resistance in tomato using a droplet inoculation method
Journal of General Plant Pathology (2007) 73 (2), 96-103
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In vitro and ex vitro selection of potato plantlets for resistance to early blight
Journal of Phytopathology (2007) 155 (10), 582-586
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Histopathological study of the Alternaria solani infection process in potato cultivars with different levels of early blight resistance
Journal of Phytopathology (2007) 155 (7-8), 462-469
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Tomato as a model plant for plant-pathogen interactions
Plant Biotechnology (2007) 24 (1), 135-147
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QTL identification for early blight resistance (Alternaria solani) in a Solanum lycopersicum × S. arcanum cross
Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2007) 114 (3), 439-450
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Tomato early blight (Alternaria solani): the pathogen, genetics, and breeding for resistance
Journal of General Plant Pathology (2006) 72 (6), 335-347
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Components of resistance to early blight in four potato cultivars: effect of leaf position
Journal of Phytopathology (2006) 154 (4), 230-235
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Overexpression of thaumatin-like protein in transgenic tomato plants confers enhanced resistance to Alternaria solani
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (2005) 38 (4), 257-265
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Histopatologia da interação Alternaria solani e tomateiros resistente e suscetível
[Histopathology of the interaction between Alternaria solani and resistant and susceptible tomato plants]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29 (3), 268-275
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Genetic diversity among Alternaria solani isolates from potatoes in South Africa
Plant Disease (2004) 88 (9), 959-964
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Transfer of tuber soft rot and early blight resistances from Solanum brevidens into cultivated potato
Theoretical and Applied Genetics (2004) 109 (2), 249-254
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Resistance to early blight of tomato with respect to various parameters of disease epidemics
Journal of General Plant Pathology (2003) 69 (6), 364-371
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Mapping QTLs conferring early blight (Alternaria solani) resistance in a Lycopersicon esculentum×L. hirsutum cross by selective genotyping
Molecular Breeding (2003) 12 (1), 3-19
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Multiple disease resistance in interspecific hybrids of potato
Plant Disease (2003) 87 (3), 266-272
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Effects of benzothiadiazole and acetylsalicylic acid on ß-1,3-glucanase activity and disease resistance in potato
Plant Pathology (2003) 52 (1), 22-27
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pesticide resistance of pest:
Cytochrome b gene structure and consequences for resistance to Qo inhibitor fungicides in plant pathogens
Pest Management Science (2006) 62 (6), 465-472
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Effect of the F129L mutation in Alternaria solani on fungicides affecting mitochondrial respiration
Plant Disease (2005) 89 (3), 269-278
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Sensitivity of Jordanian isolates of Alternaria solani to mancothane
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2004) 43 (1), 14-19
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Shift in sensitivity of Alternaria solani in response to Q(o)I fungicides
Plant Disease (2004) 88 (2), 181-187
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thresholds/decision-support systems:
Validation of potato early blight disease forecast models for Colorado using various sources of meteorological data
Plant Disease (2003) 87 (1), 78-84
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Effect of integrated pest management practices on tomato production and conservation of natural enemies
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2007) 9 (4), 327-335
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Effect of strobilurin fungicides on control of early blight (Alternaria solani) and yield of potatoes grown under two N fertility regimes
Phytoprotection (2007) 88 (1), 9-15
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Crop losses to pests
Journal of Agricultural Science (2006) 144 (1), 31-43
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Plant disease: A threat to global food security
Annual Review of Phytopathology (2005) 43, 83-116
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Early blight (Alternaria spp.) in potato crops in Poland and results of chemical protection
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2004) 44 (3), 231-238
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environment - cropping system/rotation:
Efeito da adubação sobre a incidência de traça-do-tomateiro e alternaria em plantas de tomate
[Effect of fertilization on the incidence of leafminer and early blight on tomato plants]
Horticultura Brasileira (2003) 21 (3), 448-451
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Influence of environmental factors on field concentrations of Alternaria solani conidia above a South African potato crop
Phytoparasitica (2003) 31 (4), 353-364
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population dynamics/ epidemiology:
Epidemiologia comparativa da pinta-preta do tomateiro sob quatro regimes de pulverização
[Comparative epidemiology of tomato early blight on tomatoes under four different spraying regimes]
Fitopatologia Brasileira (2004) 29 (5), 475-479
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Usefulness of fungicides with various modes of actions in the protection of potato crops
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2003) 43 (2), 191-199
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[Field survey of the Alternaria tomato diseases, and research of resistant genetic resources in Syria]
Arab Journal of Plant Protection (2007) 25 (2), 129-137
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