Publications (by research type) for:

pest = Pelamoviroid (genus)
for the years 1987-2006 (descending)

found 49 publications (ordered by research topics and year descending), some articles with 2 research topics:

general biology - morphology - evolution (11)
identification/taxonomy (5)
quarantine treatments/regulations/aspects (1)
population dynamics/ epidemiology (1)
surveys/sampling/distribution (28)
transmission/dispersal of plant diseases (1)
molecular biology - genes (15)
review (2)

general biology - morphology - evolution:
Variants of Peach latent mosaic viroid inducing peach calico: uneven distribution in infected plants and requirements of the insertion containing the pathogenicity determinant
Journal of General Virology (2006) 87 (1), 231-240
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Peach latent mosaic viroid: not so latent
Molecular Plant Pathology (2006) 7 (4), 209-221
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Interactions between Peach latent mosaic viroid variants causing peach calico disease and the natural host: cellular and molecular studies
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87 (4), p. 280-281
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First report of Peach latent mosaic viroid in sweet cherry in Italy
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84 (3), p. 168
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Peach latent mosaic viroid: new variants with characteristic insertions isolated from peach trees affected by calico
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84 (3), p. 181
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Chilling requirement and postrest heat accumulation in peach trees inoculated with peach latent mosaic viroid
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (2002) 127 (3), 333-336
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First report of mixed infection of Hop stunt viroid and Peach latent mosaic viroid on peach
Plant Disease (2002) 86 (3), p.329
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Mapping in solution shows the peach latent mosaic viroid to possess a new pseudoknot in a complex, branched secondary structure
Journal of Virology (2000) 74 (6), 2647-2654
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Rapid generation of genetic heterogeneity in progenies from individual cDNA clones of peach latent mosaic viroid in its natural host
Journal of General Virology (1999) 80 (8), 2239-2252
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Natural infection of wild and cultivated pears in Geece with peach latent mosaic viroid and pome fruit viroids
International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) 7th meeting, section 3.7
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A comparative study of four viroids of plants
Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift (1987) 120 (2), 121-129
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Development of a Rapid RT-PCR test for the detection of peach latent mosaic viroid, pear blister canker viroid, hop stunt viroid and apple scar skin viroid in fruit trees from Tunisia
Journal of Phytopathology (2006) 154 (4), 217-223
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Pathogen testing and certification of Vitis and Prunus species
Annual Review of Phytopathology (2005) 43, 261-278
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Occurrence of dapple fruit of plum in Italy
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2003) 42 (1), 79-84
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Comparison of different diagnostic methods for detection of peach latent mosaic viroid
EPPO Bulletin (1999) 29 (4), 433-438
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Occurrence of peach latent mosaic viroid in China and development of an improved detection method
Journal of Plant Pathology (1998) 80 (2), 165-169
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quarantine treatments/regulations/aspects:
Comparison of different diagnostic methods for detection of peach latent mosaic viroid
EPPO Bulletin (1999) 29 (4), 433-438
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population dynamics/ epidemiology:
An epidemiological survey of Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid in Akita Prefecture as a model region in Japan
Journal of General Plant Pathology (2006) 72 (6), 387-390
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An epidemiological survey of Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid in Akita Prefecture as a model region in Japan
Journal of General Plant Pathology (2006) 72 (6), 387-390
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Development of a Rapid RT-PCR test for the detection of peach latent mosaic viroid, pear blister canker viroid, hop stunt viroid and apple scar skin viroid in fruit trees from Tunisia
Journal of Phytopathology (2006) 154 (4), 217-223
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First record of peach latent mosaic viroid and hop stunt viroid in Kosova
Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88 (3), p.339
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First report of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in Prunus in Slovenia
Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 88 (3, Special Issue), p.S67
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Pathogen testing and certification of Vitis and Prunus species
Annual Review of Phytopathology (2005) 43, 261-278
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Occurrence of Chrysanthemum chlorotic mottle viroid in Japan
Journal of General Plant Pathology (2005) 71 (2), 156-157
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A preliminary account on the sanitary status of stone fruits at the Clonal Genebank in Harrow, Canada
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2005) 44 (1), 71-74
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Occurrence of stone fruit viroids in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2005) 44 (3), 285-290
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Peach latent mosaic viroid detected for the first time on almond trees in Tunisia
Plant Disease (2005) 89 (11), p. 1244
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A preliminary account of the sanitary status of stone-fruit trees in Morocco
EPPO Bulletin (2004) 34 (3), 399-402
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First record of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Journal of Plant Pathology (2004) 86 (3), p. 264
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First record of Hop stunt viroid in Canada
Plant Disease (2004) 88 (10), p. 1162
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First report of Pear blister canker viroid, Peach latent mosaic viroid, and Hop stunt viroid infecting fruit trees in Tunisia
Plant Disease (2004) 88 (10), p. 1164
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Occurrence of dapple fruit of plum in Italy
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2003) 42 (1), 79-84
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First report of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid infecting peach trees in the Czech Republic
Plant Disease (2003) 87 (12), p.1537
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Viruses and viroids of stone fruits in Syria
EPPO Bulletin (2002) 32 (3), 485-488
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Sanitary status of fruit trees germplasm in Sichuan Province, China
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84 (3), p. 185
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First report of Peach latent mosaic viroid on peach in Uruguay
Plant Disease (2002) 86 (12), p. 1405
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Viruses and viroids of stone fruits in Jordan
EPPO Bulletin (2001) 31 (1), 95-98
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Peach latent mosaic and pome fruit viroids in naturally infected cultivated pear Pyrus communis and wild pear P. amygdaliformis: Implications on possible origin of these viroids in the Mediterranean region
Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 83 (1), 51-62
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Identification of Peach latent mosaic viroid in Lebanon
Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 83 (3), p. 225
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First record of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in Syria
Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 83 (3), p. 227
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Detection of peach latent mosaic viroid in Australia
Australasian Plant Pathology (1999) 28 (1), 80-81
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Peach latent mosaic viroid isolated from stone fruits in Japan
International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) 7th meeting, section 3.7
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Natural infection of wild and cultivated pears in Geece with peach latent mosaic viroid and pome fruit viroids
International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) 7th meeting, section 3.7
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Occurrence of peach latent mosaic viroid in China and development of an improved detection method
Journal of Plant Pathology (1998) 80 (2), 165-169
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Occurrence of Peach latent mosaic viroid in stone fruits and its transmission with contaminated blades
Plant Disease (1997) 81 (2), 154-158
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Occurrence of peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) on plum in Italy
Plant Disease (1997) 81 (4), p. 423
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transmission/dispersal of plant diseases:
Occurrence of Peach latent mosaic viroid in stone fruits and its transmission with contaminated blades
Plant Disease (1997) 81 (2), 154-158
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molecular biology - genes:
Variants of Peach latent mosaic viroid inducing peach calico: uneven distribution in infected plants and requirements of the insertion containing the pathogenicity determinant
Journal of General Virology (2006) 87 (1), 231-240
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An element of the tertiary structure of peach latent mosaic viroid RNA revealed by UV irradiation
Journal of Virology (2006) 80 (18), 9336-9340
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Viroids and viroid-host interactions
Annual Review of Phytopathology (2005) 43, 117-139
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Peach calico disease: characterization of Peach latent mosaic viroid variants containing insertions with different pathogenic properties
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87 (4), p. 304
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Interactions between Peach latent mosaic viroid variants causing peach calico disease and the natural host: cellular and molecular studies
Journal of Plant Pathology (2005) 87 (4), p. 280-281
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Identification of a peach latent mosaic viroid hairpin able to act as a dicer-like substrate
Journal of Virology (2005) 79 (10), 6540-6543
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The role of viroids in gene silencing: the model case of Peach latent mosaic viroid
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (2004) 26 (1), 31-38
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Peach latent mosaic viroid: new variants with characteristic insertions isolated from peach trees affected by calico
Journal of Plant Pathology (2002) 84 (3), p. 181
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Study of the polymerization step of the rolling circle replication of peach latent mosaic viroid
Archives of Virology (2001) 146 (9), 1753-1763
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Peach latent mosaic and pome fruit viroids in naturally infected cultivated pear Pyrus communis and wild pear P. amygdaliformis: Implications on possible origin of these viroids in the Mediterranean region
Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 83 (1), 51-62
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Natural 2',5'-phosphodiester bonds found at the ligation sites of peach latent mosaic viroid
Journal of Virology (2001) 75 (1), 19-25
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Rapid generation of genetic heterogeneity in progenies from individual cDNA clones of peach latent mosaic viroid in its natural host
Journal of General Virology (1999) 80 (8), 2239-2252
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Subcellular localization and rolling circle replication of peach latent mosaic viroid: hallmarks of group A viroids
Journal of Virology (1999) 73 (8), 6353-6360
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Genomic structure of three phenotypically different isolates of peach latent mosaic viroid: Implications of the existence of constraints limiting the heterogeneity of viroid quasispecies
Journal of Virology (1998) 72 (9), 7397-7406
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Sequence analysis of infectious cDNA clones of peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd): A tool for the study of structure-function relationships
Phytoparasitica (1997) 25 (1), p. 84
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Peach latent mosaic viroid: not so latent
Molecular Plant Pathology (2006) 7 (4), 209-221
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Viroids and viroid-host interactions
Annual Review of Phytopathology (2005) 43, 117-139
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