Publications for:
pest = Blueberry red ringspot virus
country = Czech Republic
found 4 publications:
Blueberry red ringspot virus eliminated from highbush blueberry by shoot tip culture
Plant Protection Science (2014) 50 (4), 174-178
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pestinfo wiki2012
Low genetic diversity of the coat protein gene among
Blueberry red ringspot virus isolates
Journal of Phytopathology (2012) 160 (10), 603-605
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pestinfo wiki2011
Complete genome sequences of Blueberry red ringspot virus
(Caulimoviridae) isolates from the Czech Republic and Slovenia
Archives of Virology (2011) 156 (10), 1901-1903
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pestinfo wiki2010
First report of
Blueberry red ringspot virus in highbush blueberry in the Czech Republic
Plant Disease (2010) 94 (8), p.1071
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pestinfo wiki