Publications for:
pest = Aedes kochi
country = Australia (NT+QLD)
found 7 publications:
Australian mosquito assemblages vary between ground and sub-canopy habitats
Parasites and Vectors (2021) 14 (515)
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pestinfo wiki2015
Development and field evaluation of the sentinel mosquito arbovirus capture kit (SMACK)
Parasites and Vectors (2015) 8 (509)
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pestinfo wiki2013
A simple non-powered passive trap for the collection of mosquitoes for arbovirus surveillance
Journal of Medical Entomology (2013) 50 (1), 185-194
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pestinfo wiki2008
Efficacy of novel updraft traps for collection of mosquitoes in Cairns, Australia
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association (2008) 24 (4), 520-527
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pestinfo wiki2003
Vector competence of Australian mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) for Japanese encephalitis virus
Journal of Medical Entomology (2003) 40 (1), 82-90
pestinfo wiki2002
Field evaluation of repellent formulations against daytime and nighttime biting mosquitoes in a tropical rainforest in northern Australia
Journal of Medical Entomology (2002) 39 (3), 541-544
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pestinfo wiki1992
Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) attracted to humans and four other animal species at Darwin, Northern Territory
Journal of the Australian Entomological Society (1992) 31 (2), 159-163
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