Publications for:
pest = Cucumber mosaic virus
country = Czech Republic
found 5 publications:
Occurrence of viruses on pepper plantations in the Czech Republic
Horticultural Science (Prague) (2012) 39 (3), 139-143
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2011
First report of
Squash mosaic virus in ornamental pumpkin in the Czech Republic
Plant Disease (2011) 95 (10), p.1321
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2003
Viruses infecting Brassicas in the Czech Republic
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2003) 110 (1), 98-99
pestinfo wiki1999
[Virus diseases of poppy (
Papaver somniferum L.) and some other species of the Papaveraceae family]
Plant Protection Science (1999) 35 (1), 33-36
pestinfo wiki1991
Cherry leaf roll nepovirus newly recorded in
Rubus in Czechoslovakia
FAO Plant Protection Bulletin (1991) 39 (4), 183-184
pestinfo wiki