Publications for:
pest = Cucumber mosaic virus
country = Bulgaria
found 6 publications:
Cuscuta spp. populations as potential reservoirs and vectors of four plant viruses
Phytoparasitica (2022) 50 (3), 555-566
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pestinfo wiki2015
First report of Cucumber mosaic virus infecting watermelon in Greece and Bulgaria
Journal of Plant Pathology (2015) 97 (2), p. 399
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pestinfo wiki2003
Virus diseases of vegetable crops in southern Bulgaria
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2003) 42 (1), 3-8
pestinfo wiki2002
Differentiation of Bulgarian isolates from cucumber mosaic virus by serological methods
Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift (2002) 150 (6), 334-339
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pestinfo wiki1998
Detection and biodiversity of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus. conclusions from a ringtest of European Union COST 823 (new technologies to improve phytodiagnosis)
Journal of Plant Pathology (1998) 80 (2), 133-149
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pestinfo wikiSubgroup determination of Bulgarian isolates of cucumber mosaic virus and the presence of satellite RNAs
Plant Disease (1998) 82 (8), p. 960
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