Publications for:
pest = Botrytis cinerea
country = Norway
found 6 publications:
Pervasive fungicide resistance in
Botrytis from strawberry in Norway: Identification of the grey mould pathogen and mutations
Plant Pathology (2022) 71 (6), 1392-1403
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pestinfo wiki2014
Inhibition of fungal plant pathogens by synergistic action of chito-oligosaccharides and commercially available fungicides
PLoS ONE (2014) 9 (4 - e93192)
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pestinfo wiki2009
Relative contribution of various sources of
Botrytis cinerea inoculum in strawberry fields in Norway
Plant Disease (2009) 93 (12), 1305-1310
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pestinfo wiki2003
Use of a plastic rain shield reduces fruit decay and need for fungicides in sweet cherry
Plant Disease (2003) 87 (5), 523-528
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pestinfo wiki2000
Cuticular fractures promote postharvest fruit rot in sweet cherries
Plant Disease (2000) 84 (11), 1180-1184
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pestinfo wiki1997
Evaluation of two new fungicides and a biocontrol agent against grey mould in strawberries
Annals of Applied Biology (1997) 130 (Suppl. no. 18), p. S22
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