Publications for:
pest = Lobesia botrana
country = Germany
found 13 publications:
Biological control in a changing climate: plant-mediated impact of elevated CO<sub>2</sub> concentration on
Lobesia botrana eggs and egg parasitism by
Trichogramma cacoeciaeJournal of Pest Science (2023) 96 (2), 683-693
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pestinfo wiki2021
Feeding volatiles of larval
Sparganothis pilleriana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) attract heterospecific adults of the European grapevine moth
Environmental Entomology (2021) 50 (6), 1286-1293
publishers website -
pestinfo wikiBiosynthesis of the sex pheromone component (
Z)-7,9-dodecadienyl acetate in the European grapevine moth,
Lobesia botrana, involving Δ11 desaturation and an elusive Δ7 desaturase
Journal of Chemical Ecology (2021) 47 (3), 248-264
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pestinfo wiki2020
Tracking short-range attraction and oviposition of European grapevine moths affected by volatile organic compounds in a four-chamber olfactometer
Insects (2020) 11 (1 - 45)
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pestinfo wiki2018
Physical factors influencing the oviposition behaviour of European grapevine moths
Lobesia botrana and
Eupoecilia ambiguellaJournal of Applied Entomology (2018) 142 (1-2), 201-210
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pestinfo wiki2017
Can flowering greencover crops promote biological control in German vineyards?
Insects (2017) 8 (4 - 121)
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pestinfo wiki2007
Käfigversuche zur Freiland-Prüfung der biologischen Wirksamkeit von Pheromonpräparaten zur Paarungsstörung
[Bio-assays with field-cages to study the efficacy of pheromone products for mating disruption in vineyards and apple ochards]
Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes (2007) 59 (10), 227-232
pestinfo wikiSimulation der Eiablage als Werkzeug zur Freilandprüfung von Insektiziden im Weinbau and zur Erforschung der Autökologie des Bekreuzten Traubenwicklers
Lobesia botrana DEN. und SCHIFF. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
[Simulation of
Lobesia-botrana-egg-laying in the field to assay the efficacy of insecticides in grapevines, and to study the autecology of the Grapevine Moth (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae:
Lobesia botrana DEN. and SCHIFF.)]
Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes (2007) 59 (6), 133-137
pestinfo wiki2006
Künstlicher Traubenwicklerbefall - eine neue Möglichkeit zur Prüfung von Insektiziden im Weinbau
[Artificial infestation of grape berry and grape vine moth - a new method to assay the efficacy of insecticides in grape vines]
Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (2006) 15, 259-262
pestinfo wiki2004
Der Einsatz von
Trichogramma-Schlupfwespen in Deutschland
Zum aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Nutzung von Eiparasitoiden gegen Schadlepidopteren im biologischen Pflanzen- und Vorratsschutz
[Use of
Trichogramma wasps in Germany - Present status of research and commercial application of egg parasitoids against lepidopterous pests for crop and storage protection]
Gesunde Pflanzen (2004) 56 (6), 157-166
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pestinfo wiki2003
Identifying weather-related covariates controlling grape berry moth dynamics
EPPO Bulletin (2003) 33 (3), 517-524
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pestinfo wiki1999
Contributions of Monte-Carlo test procedures for the study of the spatial distribution of the European vine moth,
Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in European vineyards
European Journal of Entomology (1999) 96 (4), 375-380
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pestinfo wiki1998
Variables affecting pheromone concentration in vineyards treated for mating disruption of grape vine moth
Lobesia botranaJournal of Chemical Ecology (1998) 24 (2), 289-302
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pestinfo wiki