Publications for:
pest = Culex quinquefasciatus
country = Taiwan
found 7 publications:
Molecular epidemiology of Japanese encephalitis virus in mosquitoes in Taiwan during 2005–2012
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (2014) 8 (10 - e3122)
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pestinfo wiki2012
The forms of the
Culex pipiens complex in East Asia, with ecological thoughts on their origin and interrelation
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association (2012) 28 (4s), S28-S52
publishers website -
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Comparison of the efficacy of CO
2-baited and unbaited light traps, gravid traps, backpack aspirators, and sweep net collections for sampling mosquitoes infected with Japanese encephalitis virus
Journal of Vector Ecology (2011) 36 (1), 68-74
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2005
[The repellent effect of several repellent plants on the mosquito and house fly]
Formosan Entomologist (2005) 25 (4), 221-230
pestinfo wiki2001
Susceptibility of mosquitoes in central Taiwan to natural infections of
Dirofilaria immitisMedical and Veterinary Entomology (2001) 15 (1), 64-67
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki1999
Mosquito fauna in water-holding containers with emphasis on dengue vectors (Diptera : Culicidae) in Chungho, Taipei County, Taiwan
Journal of Medical Entomology (1999) 36 (4), 468-472
pestinfo wiki1991
Effects on mosquito larvae of combinations of
Bacillus thurigiensis var.
israelensis de Barjac with fertilizers
Chinese Journal of Entomology (1991) 11 (4), 292-298
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