Publications for:
pest = Endoconidiophora polonica
country = Norway
found 8 publications:
Effect of phenology on susceptibility of Norway spruce (
Picea abies) to fungal pathogens
Plant Pathology (2012) 61 (1), 57-62
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Single sequence repeat markers reflect diversity and geographic barriers in Eurasian populations of the conifer pathogen
Ceratocystis polonicaForest Pathology (2009) 39 (4), 249-265
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Induction of disease resistance in Norway spruce (
Picea abies) by necrotizing fungi
Plant Pathology (2001) 50 (2), 230-233
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Induced resistance of Norway spruce, variation of phenolic compounds and their effects on fungal pathogens
Forest Pathology (2000) 30 (2), 97-108
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pestinfo wiki1998
Acquired resistance to a pathogenic blue-stain fungus in Norway spruce
International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) 7th meeting, section 1.4
pestinfo wikiPathogenicity of four blue-stain fungi associated with aggressive and nonaggressive bark beetles
Phytopathology (1998) 88 (1), 39-44
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pestinfo wikiAssessing the virulence of four bark beetle-associated bluestain fungi using Norway spruce seedlings
Plant Pathology (1998) 47 (4), 537-540
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Growth of four bark-beetle-associated blue-stain fungi in relation to the induced wound response in Norway spruce
Canadian Journal of Botany - Revue Canadienne de Botanique (1997) 75 (4), 618-625
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