Publications for:
pest = Grapevine fleck virus
country = Czech Republic
found 4 publications:
Development and validation of RT-PCR multiplex detection of grapevine viruses and viroids in the Czech Republic
Journal of Plant Pathology (2020) 102 (2), 511-515
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pestinfo wiki2011
Grapevine fleck virus isolates split into two distinct molecular groups
Journal of Phytopathology (2011) 159 (11-12), 805-807
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pestinfo wiki2008
Distribution of grapevine viruses in vineyards of the Czech Republic
Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90 (2), 357-358
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pestinfo wiki2000
Detection of viruses in grapevines imported in Missouri from eastern European countries
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2000) 39 (2), 310-312
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