Publications for:
pest = Puccinia coronata
country = Czech Republic
found 8 publications:
Laying the foundation for a taxonomic review of
Puccinia coronata s.l. in a phylogenetic context
Mycological Progress (2013) 12 (1), 63-89
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pestinfo wiki2010
Diversity of oat crown rust (
Puccinia coronata f.sp.
avenae) isolates detected by virulence and AFLP analyses
Plant Protection Science (2010) 46 (3), 98-106
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pestinfo wiki2008
Crown rust pathotypes determined on oats in the Czech Republic from 2004 to 2006 and reaction to oat cultivars
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2008) 44 (2), 60-65
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pestinfo wikiThe influence of mountain meadow management on the occurrence of
Puccinia perplexans Plow.
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2008) 115 (4), 167-171
pestinfo wiki2006
Inheritance and efficiency of crown rust resistance in the line Pc 50-4 (
Avena sterilis L.)
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2006) 42 (1), 9-14
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pestinfo wikiInnate nonhost immunity in barley to different heterologous rust fungi is controlled by sets of resistance genes with different and overlapping specificities
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (2006) 19 (11), 1270-1279
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pestinfo wikiDeciphering species complexes:
Puccinia andropogonis and
Puccinia coronata, examples of differing modes of speciation
Mycoscience (2006) 47 (3), 130-136
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pestinfo wiki2003
Incidence of crown rust and virulence of
Puccinia coronata Cda. f.sp.
avenae Eriks. and the effectiveness of Pc genes for resistance in Europe, Middle East and North Africa
Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection (2003) 36 (3-4), 179-194
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