Publications for:
pest = Amblypelta lutescens
country = Australia (NT+QLD)
found 6 publications:
Spatial and temporal dynamics of the native banana-spotting bug,
Amblypelta lutescens lutescens (Hemiptera: Coreidae), in avocado crops in North Queensland, Australia
Journal of Economic Entomology (2019) 112 (4), 1812-1820
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2014
Fruitspotting bugs,
Amblypelta nitida Stål and
A. lutescens lutescens Distant (Hemiptera: Coreidae): a review of the potential for integrated management practices
Austral Entomology (2014) 53 (1), 112-123
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2012
Biological control of the fruit-spotting bug
Amblypelta lutescens using weaver ants
Oecophylla smaragdina on African mahoganies in Australia
Agricultural and Forest Entomology (2012) 14 (4), 428-433
publishers website -
pestinfo wikiPheromone of the banana-spotting bug,
Amblypelta lutescens lutescens Distant (Heteroptera: Coreidae): Identification, synthesis, and field bioassay
Psyche (2012) 2012 (536149), 1-8
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki1995
The effect of the green ant,
Oecophylla smaragdina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), on insect pests of cashew trees in Australia
Bulletin of Entomological Research (1995) 85 (2), 279-284
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki1993
Egg parasitoids collected from
Amblypelta lutescens lutescens (Distant) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) in North Queensland
Journal of the Australian Entomological Society (1993) 32 (4), 365-367
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