Publications for:
pest = Barley yellow dwarf viruses
country = Czech Republic
found 6 publications:
Patterns and predictions of
Barley yellow dwarf virus vector migrations in Central Europe
Plant Disease (2019) 103 (8), 2057-2064
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pestinfo wiki2018
TaqMan Multiplex Real-Time qPCR assays for the detection and quantification of
Barley yellow dwarf virus, Wheat dwarf virus and
Wheat streak mosaic virus and the study of their interactions
Crop and Pasture Science (2018) 69 (8), 755-764
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pestinfo wiki2008
Recent advances in breeding of cereals for resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2008) 44 (1), 1-10
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pestinfo wiki2005
Theoretical bases and sources for breeding wheat for combined disease resistance
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2005) 41 (4), 127-143
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pestinfo wiki2004
Possibility of exploiting the
Yd2 resistance to BYDV in spring barley breeding
Plant Breeding (2004) 123 (1), 24-29
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pestinfo wiki2002
Achievements and prospects of wheat breeding for disease resistance
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2002) 38 (1), 16-28
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