Publications for:
pest = Tilletia caries
country = Czech Republic
found 10 publications:
Reaction of wheat to common bunt and dwarf bunt and reaction of triticale to dwarf bunt
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2016) 52 (3), 108-113
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pestinfo wiki2014
Common bunt resistance of Czech and European winter wheat cultivars and breeder lines
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2014) 50 (3), 201-207
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2010
Reaction of wheat, alternative wheat and triticale cultivars to common bunt
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2010) 46 (1), 14-20
publishers website -
pestinfo wikiQuantification of
Tilletia caries and
Tilletia controversa mycelium in wheat apical meristem by real-time PCR
Plant Protection Science (2010) 46 (3), 107-115
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pestinfo wiki2008
Effect of inoculum doses on common bunt infection on wheat caused by
Tilletia tritici and
T. laevisCzech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2008) 44 (2), 73-77
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2007
Reaction of winter wheat cultivars to common bunt
Tilletia tritici (Bjerk.) Wint. and
T. laevis Kühn
Plant Protection Science (2007) 43 (4), 138-141
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2006
Survey of incidence of bunts (
Tilletia caries and
Tilletia controversa) in the Czech Republic and susceptibility of winter wheat cultivars
Plant Protection Science (2006) 42 (1), 21-25
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pestinfo wiki2005
Theoretical bases and sources for breeding wheat for combined disease resistance
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2005) 41 (4), 127-143
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pestinfo wiki2002
Achievements and prospects of wheat breeding for disease resistance
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2002) 38 (1), 16-28
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pestinfo wiki1998
Effects of sowing date on common bunt (
Tilletia caries) infection in winter wheat at lower inoculum rates
Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz - Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (1998) 105 (3), 295-305
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