Publications for:
pest = Delia radicum
country = Germany
found 6 publications:
Root colonization by fungal entomopathogen systemically primes belowground plant defense against cabbage root fly
Journal of Fungi (2022) 8 (9 - 969)
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pestinfo wikiEffects of insect net coverage in field vegetables on pests, diseases, natural enemies, and yield
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2022) 129 (6), 1401-1415
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pestinfo wiki2018
Effects of insecticidal seed treatments and foliar sprays in winter oilseed rape in autumn on insect pests and TuYV infection
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection (2018) 125 (6), 557-565
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pestinfo wiki2011
Erfassung von phytophagen Dipterenlarven in Rapswurzeln
[Collecting of phytophagous dipteran larvae in oilseed rape roots]
Journal für Kulturpflanzen - Journal of Cultivated Plants (2011) 63 (1), 9-12
pestinfo wiki2007
Spatial patterns of
Trybliographa rapae parasitism of
Delia radicum larvae in oilseed rape and cauliflower
Journal of Applied Entomology (2007) 131 (5), 338-346
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pestinfo wiki2005
Kohlfliegenauftreten im Raps - Bericht über ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von acht Länderpflanzenschutzdiensten und der BBA
[The appearance of cabbage root fly in oilseed rape - Report about a common project of eight crop-protection services of the German Federal States and the BBA]
Gesunde Pflanzen (2005) 57 (6), 149-157
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