Publications for:

pest = Chenopodium album (weed)
country = Poland

found 20 publications:

Significant increase of weed resistance to herbicides in Poland
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2019) 59 (2), 139-150
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The effect of soil type and farm size on the variability of weed infestation in maize (Zea mays L.) fields in the south-west region of Poland
International Journal of Pest Management (2018) 64 (2), 95-101
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Biodiversity of segetal weed community in continuous potato cultivated with metribuzin-based weed control
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2015) 55 (1), 52-57
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The effect of soil mulching with organic mulches, on weed infestation in broccoli and tomato cultivated under polypropylene fibre, and without a cover
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2014) 54 (2), 188-198
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Cereal mixtures - an effective weed management tool
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2013) 53 (4), 364-374
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The effect of mesotrione applied with adjuvants on weed control efficacy and forage sorghum tolerance
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (2013) 37 (3), 265-270
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The effectiveness of weed regulation methods in spring wheat cultivated in integrated, conventional and organic crop production systems
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2012) 52 (4), 486-493
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Evaluation of the efficacy of mesotrione plus nicosulfuron with additives as tank mixtures used for weed control in maize (Zea mays L.)
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2011) 51 (3), 300-305
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Effectiveness of chemical protection against weeds applied to poppy (Papaver somniferum L.)
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2009) 49 (2), 209-215
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The problems of weed management by herbicide systems applied in maize
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2008) 48 (1), 119-128
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Assessment of the tank mixture of mesotrione and pethoxamid plus terbuthylazine efficacy for weed control in maize (Zea mays L.)
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2007) 47 (4), 375-381
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Influence of industry pollution on the efficacy of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.) control by pyridate
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2006) 46 (4), 409-416
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Changes in the number of weed seeds in soil under different tillage systems of winter wheat
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2005) 45 (2), 83-92
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The effect of spray quality produced by different nozzles on efficacy of weed control in spring barley
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2002) 42 (1), 23-35
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Susceptibility of fiber flax cultivars to herbicides
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2002) 42 (2), 117-130
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Modification of IAA-oxidase activity by factor present in leaves of Chenopodium album and Echinochloa crus-galli in relation to susceptible-resistant plant response to triazine
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2002) 42 (3), 271-278
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Evaluation of iodosulfuron and amidosulfuron mixture to control broad-leaved weeds in winter and spring cereals
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2001) 41 (2), 101-109
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Weed control efficacy of propisochlor in wheat, barley, maize, root crops and pea
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2001) 41 (4), 341-347
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Effect of air induction nozzle and oil adjuvant on spray retention and weed control
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2000) 40 (2), 179-187
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Polyamines as a potential chemotaxons of resistant and susceptibile biotypes of Chenopodium album to atrazine
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2000) 40 (3-4), 267-270
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