Publications for:
pest = 16SrIII phytoplasma group
country = Czech Republic
found 3 publications:
First report of a 16SrIII-B subgroup phytoplasma associated with leaf reddening, virescence and phyllody of purple coneflower
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2013) 136 (1), 7-12
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pestinfo wiki2011
Molecular identification of 16SrIII and 16SrXII phytoplasma groups in
Chenopodium album in Czech Republic
Bulletin of Insectology (2011) 64 (Suppl.), S85-S86
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pestinfo wiki2007
Experiences with phytoplasma detection and identification by different methods
Bulletin of Insectology (2007) 60 (2), 247-248
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pestinfo wiki