Publications for:
pest = Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
country = Norway
found 6 publications:
Fungal diversity and seasonal succession in ash leaves infected by the invasive ascomycete
Hymenoscyphus fraxineusNew Phytologist (2017) 213 (3), 1405-1417
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2016
ADA, a fast-growth medium for
Hymenoscyphus fraxineusForest Pathology (2016) 46 (1), 85-87
publishers website -
pestinfo wikiTissue-specific DNA levels and hyphal growth patterns of
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus in stems of naturally infected
Fraxinus excelsior saplings
Forest Pathology (2016) 46 (3), 206-214
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2015
Local population structure of
Hymenoscyphus fraxineus surveyed by an enlarged set of microsatellite markers
Forest Pathology (2015) 45 (5), 400-407
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2011
Ash dieback: pathogen spread and diurnal patterns of ascospore dispersal, with special emphasis on Norway
EPPO Bulletin (2011) 41 (1), 14-20
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2009
Chalara fraxinea isolated from diseased ash in Norway
Plant Disease (2009) 93 (5), p. 548
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki