Publications for:
pest = Claviceps purpurea
country = Czech Republic
found 5 publications:
Multigene analysis suggests ecological speciation in the fungal pathogen
Claviceps purpureaMolecular Ecology (2008) 17 (9), 2276-2286
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pestinfo wiki2006
Occurrence of biotic harmful agents in Czech grass seed production (1995-2004)
Plant Protection Science (2006) 42 (2), 58-65
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2002
Host specialization of different populations of ergot fungus
(Claviceps purpurea)
Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant-Breeding (2002) 38 (2), 75-81
publishers website -
pestinfo wikiDifferent pathogenicity of ergot isolates (
Claviceps purpurea [Fr.] Tul.) on Kentucky bluegrass (
Poa pratensis L.)
Plant Protection Science (2002) 38 (1), 18-22
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pestinfo wiki2000
Chemoraces and habitat specialization of
Claviceps purpurea populations
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2000) 66 (12), 5419-5425
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