Publications for:
pest = Gremmeniella abietina
country = Czech Republic
found 4 publications:
Effect of temperature on GaRV6 accumulation and its fungal host, the conifer pathogen
Gremmeniella abietinaForest Pathology (2017) 47 (1 - e12291)
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pestinfo wiki2015
Description and prevalence of a putative novel mycovirus within the conifer pathogen
Gremmeniella abietinaArchives of Virology (2015) 160 (8), 1967-1975
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2005
About phytopathological and histological aspects of Norway spruce dieback in the Orlické hory Mts.
Journal of Forest Science (2005) 51 (8), p. 348
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2003
Dieback of Austrian pine - the epidemic occurrence of
Sphaeropsis sapinea in southern Moravia
Journal of Forest Science (2003) 49 (8), 389-394
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