Publications for:
pest = Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus
country = Czech Republic
found 7 publications:
Comparison of the incidence of viruses within germplasm, orchards and wild cherry trees in the Czech Republic
Annals of Applied Biology (2020) 176 (2), 138-146
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pestinfo wiki2017
Effects of economically important virus diseases on the expression of some pomological traits and nutritional compounds in GM plum cultivar HoneySweet (
Prunus domestica L.)
Horticultural Science (Prague) (2017) 44 (1), 1-5
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pestinfo wiki Real-time RT-qPCR detection of Cherry rasp leaf virus, Cherry green ring mottle virus, Cherry necrotic rusty mottle virus, Cherry virus A and Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in stone fruits
Journal of Plant Pathology (2017) 99 (1), 279-285
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pestinfo wiki2016
Distribution of viruses in old commercial and abandoned orchards and wild apple trees
Journal of Plant Pathology (2016) 98 (3), 549-554
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pestinfo wikiQuantitative detection of four pome fruit viruses in apple trees throughout the year
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2016) 55 (2), 207-224
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pestinfo wiki2010
Genetic diversity of flexiviruses infecting pome fruit trees
Journal of Plant Pathology (2010) 92 (3), 685-691
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pestinfo wiki2006
The reliability of detection and the distribution of Apple chlorotic leafspot virus in pears in the Czech Republic
Horticultural Science (Prague) (2006) 33 (1), 7-10
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