Publications for:
pest = Tomato spotted wilt virus
country = Bulgaria
found 10 publications:
First report of
Tomato spotted wilt virus on a new host
Leuzea carthamoides in Bulgaria and the world
Plant Disease (2013) 97 (9), p.1258
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pestinfo wiki2008
TSWV transmission efficiency of an arrhenotokous and a thelytokous population of
Thrips tabaciActa Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2008) 43 (2), 289-292
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pestinfo wiki2007
Transmission of TSWV in greenhouse crops in Bulgaria
Journal of Insect Science (2007) 7 (28), 16-17
pestinfo wikiOverview of TSWV transmission by
Thrips tabaci in Bulgarian tobacco fields
Journal of Insect Science (2007) 7 (28), p. 16
pestinfo wiki2003
An unusual large intergenic region in the S-RNA of a Bulgarian tomato spotted wilt virus isolate
Archives of Virology (2003) 148 (1), 199-205
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pestinfo wikiVirus diseases of vegetable crops in southern Bulgaria
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2003) 42 (1), 3-8
pestinfo wiki2001
A survey of tospoviruses in Bulgaria
Journal of Phytopathology - Phytopathologische Zeitschrift (2001) 149 (11/12), 745-749
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pestinfo wiki1998
Long-term resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus in transgenic tobacco cultivars expressing the viral nucleoprotein gene: greenhouse and field tests
Molecular Breeding (1998) 4 (2), 155-164
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pestinfo wiki1997
Resistance in transgenic tobacco plants to tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
Phytoparasitica (1997) 25 (3), p. 226
pestinfo wiki1991
Cloning and sequencing of the S RNA from a Bulgarian isolate of tomato spotted wilt virus
Journal of General Virology (1991) 72 (2), 461-464
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