Publications for:
pest = Plum pox virus
country = Bulgaria
found 14 publications:
Update on distribution and genetic variability of
Plum pox virus strains in
The Plant Pathology Journal (2019) 35 (3), 243-256
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pestinfo wiki2017
Spread and competitiveness of
Plum pox virus: Rec and -D strains in experimental plum orchard
Journal of Phytopathology (2017) 165 (9), 602-609
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pestinfo wiki2014
A recombinant strain of Plum pox virus in peach in Bulgaria
Journal of Plant Pathology (2014) 96 (2), 411-414
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pestinfo wiki2013
Horticultural mineral oil treatments in nurseries during aphid flights reduce
Plum pox virus incidence under different ecological conditions
Annals of Applied Biology (2013) 162 (3), 299-308
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pestinfo wiki2011
First report of the
Plum pox virus recombinant strain on peach in Bulgaria
Plant Disease (2011) 95 (10), p. 1320
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pestinfo wiki2010
Competitiveness of different
Plum pox virus isolates in experimental mixed infection reveals rather isolate- than strain-specific behaviour
Journal of Plant Pathology (2010) 92 (1), 267-271
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pestinfo wiki2008
Prunus cerasifera as a host of
Plum pox virus in Bulgaria
Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90 (1, Supplement), S15-S18
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pestinfo wikiExperiments on transmission of
Plum pox virus through
Prunus seeds
Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90 (1, Supplement), S23-S26
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pestinfo wikiControversial considerations between nucleotide diversity of the 3' terminal region of
Plum pox virus and differences in viral serotypes
Journal of Plant Pathology (2008) 90 (1, Supplement), S47-S56
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pestinfo wiki2006
Plum pox virus and the estimated costs associated with sharka disease
EPPO Bulletin (2006) 36 (2), 202-204
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pestinfo wikiPlum pox virus (PPV) in Bulgaria
EPPO Bulletin (2006) 36 (2), 206-206
pestinfo wiki2005
Analysis of recombinant
Plum pox virus (PPV) isolates from Serbia confirms genetic homogeneity and supports a regional origin for the PPV-Rec subgroup
Archives of Virology (2005) 150 (10), 2051-2060
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pestinfo wiki2004
Geographically and temporally distant natural recombinant isolates of
Plum pox virus (PPV) are genetically very similar and form a unique PPV subgroup
Journal of General Virology (2004) 85 (9), 2671-2681
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pestinfo wiki2001
Existence of two serological subclusters of Plum pox virus, strain M
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 107 (8), 845-848
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