Publications for:
pest = Cryphonectria parasitica
country = Bulgaria
found 3 publications:
Link between epigenetic diversity and invasive status of south-eastern European populations of phytopathogenic fungus
Cryphonectria parasiticaEnvironmental Microbiology (2019) 21 (12), 4521-4536
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2013
Distribution of chestnut blight and diversity of
Cryphonectria parasitica in chestnut forests in Bulgaria
Forest Pathology (2013) 43 (6), 437-443
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2008
Clonal population structure of the chestnut blight fungus in expanding ranges in southeastern Europe
Molecular Ecology (2008) 17 (20), 4446-4458
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki