Publications for:
pest = Meloidogyne enterolobii
country = Costa Rica
found 3 publications:
Diversity of root-knot nematodes parasitizing coffee in Central America
Nematropica (2013) 43 (2), 194-206
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2012
Presence of
Meloidogyne enterolobii Yang & Eisenback (=
M. mayaguensis) in guava and acerola from Costa Rica
Nematology (2012) 14 (2), 199-207
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2009
Reaction of coffee genotypes to different populations of
Meloidogyne spp.: detection of a naturally virulent
M. exigua population
Tropical Plant Pathology (2009) 34 (6), 370-378
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki