Publications for:

pest = Fusarium thapsinum
country = U.S.A. (mid S)

found 7 publications:

Fusarium: more than a node or a foot-shaped basal cell
Studies in Mycology (2021) 98 (1), 1-184
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Genome-wide association study of grain mold resistance in sorghum association panel as affected by inoculation with Alternaria alternata alone and Alternaria alternata, Fusarium thapsinum, and Curvularia lunata combined
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2020) 157 (4), 783-798
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First report of seedborne Fusarium thapsinum and its pathogenicity on soybean (Glycine max) in the United States
Plant Disease (2014) 98 (12), p. 1745
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Response of near-isogenic sorghum lines, differing at the P locus for plant colour, to grain mould and head smut fungi
Annals of Applied Biology (2013) 163 (1), 91-101
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Species diversity of and toxin production by Gibberella fujikuroi species complex strains isolated from native prairie grasses in Kansas
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2004) 70 (4), 2254-2262
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Detoxification of corn antimicrobial compounds as the basis for isolating Fusarium verticillioides and some other Fusarium species from corn
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2001) 67 (7), 2973-2981
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Molecular standardization of mating type terminology in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex
Applied and Environmental Microbiology (1999) 65 (9), 4071-4076
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