Publications for:
pest = Bipolaris sorokiniana
crop = Wheat (Triticum)
country = Bangladesh
found 6 publications:
Evaluation of pathogenic variability based on leaf blotch disease development components of
Bipolaris sorokiniana in
Triticum aestivum and agroclimatic origin
The Plant Pathology Journal (2018) 34 (2), 93-103
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Development and characterization of the 4th CSISA-spot blotch nursery of bread wheat
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2015) 143 (3), 595-605
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Morphology, physiology, and virulence of
Bipolaris sorokiniana isolates
Current Microbiology (2009) 59 (3), 267-273
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Associations of environments in South Asia based on spot blotch disease of wheat caused by
Cochliobolus sativusCrop Science (2007) 47 (3), 1071-1081
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pestinfo wikiAdvancement toward new spot blotch resistant wheats in South Asia
Crop Science (2007) 47 (3), 961-968
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Progress in wheat resistance to spot blotch in Bangladesh
Journal of Phytopathology (2006) 154 (1), 16-22
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