Publications for:

pest = Festuca arundinacea (weed)
crop = Grasses/turf/rangeland

found 8 publications:

Tall fescue management and environmental influences on soil, surface residue, and forage properties
Agronomy Journal (2021) 113 (2), 2029-2043
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Patch burning tall fescue invaded grasslands alters alkaloids and tiller defoliation with implications for cattle toxicosis
Rangeland Ecology and Management (2021) 75 (1), 130-140
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Using adaptive management to restore grasslands invaded by tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus)
Rangeland Ecology and Management (2021) 76 (1), 84-94
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Seasonal changes in forage nutritive value of common weeds encountered in Missouri pastures
Weed Technology (2020) 34 (2), 164-171
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Relationships between soil, forage, and grazing parameter effects on weed incidence in Missouri pastures
Weed Technology (2020) 34 (3), 408-415
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Dithiopyr efficacy, absorption, and fate in annual bluegrass, goosegrass, smooth crabgrass, and tall fescue
Agronomy Journal (2014) 106 (3), 844-850
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Invasive exotic grasses and seed arrival limit native species establishment in an old-field grassland succession
Biological Invasions (2012) 14 (12), 2531-2544
publishers website - pestinfo wiki

Natural grassland response to herbicides and application timing for selective control of tall fescue, an invasive cool-season grass
Invasive Plant Science and Management (2010) 3 (3), 219-228
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