Publications for:

pest = 16SrXII phytoplasma group
crop = Maize/corn (Zea mays)

found 4 publications:

Survey and multigene characterization of stolbur phytoplasmas on various plant species in Serbia
Phytopathologia Mediterranea (2013) 52 (3), 434-441
pestinfo wiki

Hosts of stolbur phytoplasmas in maize redness affected fields
Bulletin of Insectology (2011) 64 (Suppl.), S155-S156
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Molecular evidence of phytoplasmas in winter oilseed rape, tomato and corn seedlings
Bulletin of Insectology (2011) 64 (Suppl.), S157-S158
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First report of maize redness disease in Hungary
Bulletin of Insectology (2011) 64 (Suppl.), S229-S230
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