Publications for:

pest = Fusarium proliferatum
crop = Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)

found 31 publications:

Wildly growing asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) hosts pathogenic Fusarium species and accumulates their mycotoxins
Microbial Ecology (2016) 71 (4), 927-937
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Effect of leaf mold mulch, biochar, and earthworms on mycorrhizal colonization and yield of asparagus affected by Fusarium crown and root rot
Plant Disease (2016) 100 (12), 2507-2512
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Organic amendments conditions on the control of Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus caused by three Fusarium spp.
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2015) 13 (4 - e1009)
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Constraints on asparagus production: The association of Ophiomyia simplex (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and Fusarium spp.
Crop Science (2011) 51 (4), 1414-1423
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PCR-SSCP analysis of Fusarium diversity in asparagus decline in Japan
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2011) 130 (2), 197-203
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Fusarium oxysporum- und F. proliferatum-Isolate aus Spargel und deren Pathogenitätsüberprüfung in einer modifizierten in vitro-Schnelltestmethode
[Evaluation of the pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum and F. proliferatum isolates from asparagus using a modified in vitro quick test method]
Gesunde Pflanzen (2011) 63 (4), 175-182
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Genetic and phenotypic variation of Fusarium proliferatum isolates from different host species
Journal of Applied Genetics (2011) 52 (4), 487-496
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Alternative hosts for Fusarium spp. causing crown and root rot of asparagus in Spain
Journal of Phytopathology (2011) 159 (2), 114-116
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Effect of biochar amendments on mycorrhizal associations and Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus in replant soils
Plant Disease (2011) 95 (8), 960-966
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Genetic variability of phytopathogenic Fusarium proliferatum associated with crown rot in Asparagus officinalis
Journal of Phytopathology (2009) 157 (7-8), 446-456
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Mycotoxins biosynthesis by Fusarium oxysporum and F. proliferatum isolates of asparagus origin
Journal of Plant Protection Research (2009) 49 (4), 369-372
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Influence of earthworm activity on soil microbes and soilborne diseases of vegetables
Plant Disease (2009) 93 (2), 175-179
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Preliminary investigation on asparagus diseases in Sicily
Journal of Plant Pathology (2007) 89 (3, Suppl.),S63
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Fumonisins production by Fusarium proliferatum strains isolated from asparagus crown
Mycopathologia (2007) 164 (3), 127-134
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Fusarium species colonizing spears and forming mycotoxins in field samples of asparagus from Germany and Poland
Journal of Phytopathology (2006) 154 (4), 209-216
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Biodiversity and biogeography of Fusarium species from northeastern North American asparagus fields based on microbiological and molecular approaches
Microbial Ecology (2006) 51 (2), 242-255
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Characterization of isolates of Fusarium spp. obtained from asparagus in Spain
Plant Disease (2006) 90 (11), 1441-1451
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Diversity of pathogenic Fusarium populations associated with asparagus roots in decline soils in Spain and the UK
Plant Pathology (2006) 55 (3), 331-342
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Untersuchungen zum endophytischen Befall von Fusarium proliferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg in geernteten Stangen von Spargel (Asparagus officinalis L.)
[Investigation on contamination of asparagus spears (Asparagus officinalis L.) with Fusarium proliferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg during main harvest]
Gesunde Pflanzen (2005) 57 (2-3), 53-58
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Mitochondrial DNA variability in Fusarium proliferatum (Gibberella intermedia)
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2004) 110 (5-6), 563-571
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Specific detection of the toxigenic species Fusarium proliferatum and F. oxysporum from asparagus plants using primers based on calmodulin gene sequences
FEMS Microbiology Letters (2004) 230 (2), 235-240
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Local and systemic effects of NaCl on root composition, rhizobacteria, and fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus
Phytopathology (2003) 93 (2), 186-192
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Influence of formononetin and NaCl on mycorrhizal colonization and Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus
Plant Disease (2002) 86 (12), 1318-1324
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Use of fungicides and biological controls in the suppression of Fusarium crown and root rot of asparagus under greenhouse and growth chamber conditions
Plant Disease (2002) 86 (5), 493-498
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Activation of defense responses to Fusarium infection in Asparagus densiflorus
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2001) 107 (5), 473-483
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Effects of sodium chloride on commercial asparagus and of alternative forms of chloride salt on Fusarium Crown and root rot
Plant Disease (2001) 85 (12), 1271-1275
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Incidence of infection of asparagus spears marketed in Connecticut by Fusarium spp.
Plant Disease (2000) 84 (8), 831-834
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Effect of NaCl on root exudation in asparagus and suppression of Fusarium crown rot
International Congress of Plant Pathology (1998) 7th meeting, section 2.7
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Fusarium moniliforme and F. proliferatum isolated from crown and root rot of asparagus and their association with asparagus decline in Argentina
Plant Disease (1998) 82 (12), p.1405
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Fusarium species associated with asparagus crowns and soil in Australia and New Zealand
Australasian Plant Pathology (1997) 26 (4), 255-261
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Incidence of Fusarium spp. in asparagus spears
Plant Disease (1997) 81 (8), p. 957
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