Publications for:
pest = Eleusine indica (weed)
crop = Beans (Phaseolus)
found 6 publications:
Phytosociological survey of weed plants in intercrops of common beans and castor beans
Planta Daninha (2017) 35 (e017162166)
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2013
Interferencia de malezas en el cultivo de frijol en dos sistemas de labranzas
[Weeds influence in bean crop in two tillage systems]
Planta Daninha (2013) 31 (2), 319-327
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2012
Comunidade infestante e sua interferência no feijoeiro implantado sob plantio direto, na safra de primavera
[Weed communities and their interference in no-tillage bean sown in the spring season]
Planta Daninha (2012) 30 (2), 279-286
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2010
Interferência entre espécies de planta daninha e duas cultivares de feijoeiro em duas épocas de semeadura
[Interference between weed species and two bean cultivars in two times of sowing]
Bragantia (2010) 69 (3), 609-616
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2001
Common bean response to tillage intensity and weed control strategies
Agronomy Journal (2001) 93 (3), 556-563
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki1981
Effect of weed covers on
Empoasca kraemeri Ross and Moore populations and dry bean yields
Environmental Entomology (1981) 10 (6), 901-907
pestinfo wiki