Publications for:
pest = Digitaria sanguinalis (weed)
crop = Beans (Phaseolus)
found 5 publications:
The interaction of annual weed and white mold management systems for dry bean production in Canada
Canadian Journal of Plant Science (2011) 91 (3), 587-598
publishers website -
pestinfo wikiSeletividade dos herbicidas S-metolachlor e alachlor para o feijão-carioca
[Selectivity of metolachlor and alachlor for the "carioca" bean]
Planta Daninha (2011) 29 (4), 877-883
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2004
Interaction of insects and weeds in a snap bean agroecosystem
HortScience (2004) 39 (2), 287-290
pestinfo wiki2003
Interference of large crabgrass (
Digitaria sanguinalis) with snap beans
Weed Science (2003) 51 (2), 171-176
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki2001
Common bean response to tillage intensity and weed control strategies
Agronomy Journal (2001) 93 (3), 556-563
publishers website -
pestinfo wiki