Armillaria ostoyae

List of countries:

Numbers in bracket = number of publications in database. Click on a country to display a list of the relevant publications.

Central Europe
Austria (1)
France (2)
Germany (1)
Luxembourg (1)
Switzerland (4)
United Kingdom (2)

Eastern Europe
Czech Republic (4)
Poland (5)
Ukraine (1)

Northern Europe
Finland (1)

Southern Europe
Albania (1)
Greece (1)
Italy (2)
Serbia (2)
Spain (continental) (2)

North/Central America
Canada (east) (8)
Canada (west) (22)
U.S.A. (mid N) (4)
U.S.A. (NE) (3)
U.S.A. (NW) (4)
U.S.A. (SW) (2)

Eastern Asia
China (NE) (2)
Japan (8)
Korea-South (2)

Western Asia
Turkey (2)