Brassicogethes aeneus

List of antagonists/beneficials:

Numbers in bracket = number of publications in database. Click on an antagonist/beneficial to display a list of the relevant publications.
entomopathogens - fungi
entomopathogens - nematodes
other diseases of pests
parasitoids - Hymenoptera
predators - insects
predators - other groups
insect bioagents of weeds - Coleoptera

entomopathogens - fungi:
Beauveria bassiana (entomopathogen) (3)
Beauveria brongniartii (entomopathogen) (1)
Metarhizium anisopliae (entomopathogen) (4)

entomopathogens - nematodes:
Steinernema feltiae/Xenorhabdus bovienii (entomopathogen) (1)

other diseases of pests:
Anncaliia meligethi (entomopathogen) (1)

parasitoids - Hymenoptera:
Diospilus capito (parasitoid) (4)
Phradis interstitialis (parasitoid) (6)
Phradis morionellus (parasitoid) (7)
Tersilochus heterocerus (parasitoid) (8)

predators - insects:
Anchomenus dorsalis (predator) (1)
Nebria brevicollis (predator) (1)
Poecilus cupreus (predator) (2)

predators - other groups:
Pardosa (genus - predators) (2)
Phylloneta impressa (predator) (1)

insect bioagents of weeds - Coleoptera:
Amara similata (weed bioagent) (1)