Neltuma (weeds)

List of antagonists/beneficials:

Numbers in bracket = number of publications in database. Click on an antagonist/beneficial to display a list of the relevant publications.
fungal diseases of weeds - other groups
insect bioagents of weeds - Coleoptera
insect bioagents of weeds - Diptera
insect bioagents of weeds - Lepidoptera
insect bioagents of weeds - other groups

fungal diseases of weeds - other groups:
Prosopidicola mexicana (weed pathogen) (1)

insect bioagents of weeds - Coleoptera:
Algarobius bottimeri (weed bioagent) (1)
Algarobius prosopis (weed bioagent) (3)
Coelocephalapion gandolfoi (weed bioagent) (3)
Mimosestes amicus (weed bioagent) (2)
Mimosestes protractus (weed bioagent) (1)
Neltumius arizonensis (weed bioagent) (3)

insect bioagents of weeds - Diptera:
Asphondylia prosopidis (weed bioagent) (2)

insect bioagents of weeds - Lepidoptera:
Friseria cockerelli (weed bioagent) (1)
Melipotis indomita (weed bioagent) (2)
Tetralopha euphemella (weed bioagent) (1)

insect bioagents of weeds - other groups:
Prosopidopsylla flava (weed bioagent) (1)